Tạm Biệt, Hanoi!

When we said goodbye to Hanoi, it wasn't merely the end of another 91 day adventure. We were putting an end to six months in Vietnam. That is a serious chunk of time, and it really affected us. While packing our suitcases, our emotions were all over the place; there was both sadness and contentment, relief and regret, fulfillment and pride. I guess we were just feeling.

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The Đồng Xuân Market

A distinctive facade of three wide arches welcomes shoppers to Hanoi's largest covered market, the Chợ Đồng Xuân. With mostly clothes and bulk foods on sale, this isn't a place for souvenir-hunting tourists. But if you're in the market for a fascinating slice of local life, it might be just what you're looking for.

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Welcome to Hanoi

We named this iteration of our travel project "Hanoi For 91 Days" more for aesthetics than for accuracy; "Central and Northern Vietnam For 91 Days" just doesn't have the same ring to it. But the truth is, we didn't even reach Hanoi until Day #31. After a month on the road, from Hoi An to Ninh Binh, we were ready to settle into the rhythm of a city, and get back to life as normal. It didn't take long for us to realize, though, that life in Hanoi could never be considered "normal".

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Xin Chào, Hanoi!

When we chose Saigon as our seventeenth "For 91 Days" destination, we never expected that Hanoi might be the eighteenth. We've never stayed in a country for a second consecutive adventure, and it wasn't even under consideration. But we never expected to be so completely enamored by the people, culture and cuisine of Vietnam. After spending three months in the south, we simply couldn't leave without devoting an equal amount of time to the north.

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