Hanoi For 91 Days: E-Book Travel Guide

After having spent three months in Saigon, Jürgen and I got on the road to the north. For the next 91 days, we'd travel slowly toward Hanoi. The first month was spent in the fascinating middle regions of Vietnam. During the second month, we tried to survive the chaotic capital city. And we explored the unbelievable nature of the north during the third month. We've now collected our experiences in Hanoi and North Vietnam into an e-book travel guide, with all of our articles and over 280 full-color photographs, in one handy, portable edition.

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The Ha Giang Loop … with Chu Chu

Our final adventure in Vietnam would be a four-day loop around the northern province of Ha Giang. This is one of the least-populated and least-visited areas in the country, so we thought it would be best to hire a guide. After doing a ton of research, we decided upon a Ha Giang local named Chu Chu ... and we couldn't have made a better choice.

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