A Week in Hoi An

The small city of Hoi An, just south of Danang, was once Vietnam's principal port of trade, and one of the most important in all Asia. Those days are long past, but the town's rich history is kept alive in the ancient quarter. Houses, communal halls, temples and bridges have remained in miraculous condition, and today, Hoi An is regularly hailed as the most beautiful city in Vietnam. We'd be spending a week here.

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To the North!

Toward the end of April, we went to the station in Saigon and boarded the Reunification Express, a train which connects the two capitals of the once-divided Vietnam. But we wouldn't be taking the train straight to Hanoi, a journey which would require 34 hours. No, we'd be taking it in stages, stopping off in a number of Vietnam's most historic cities. First stop: Danang.

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